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Working Together - $50,000!

Writer: Jay LucasJay Lucas

Working Together – Fallen Patriots Receives - $50,000 Donation!

‘Please watch the video from WMUR below, showing the check presentation in Manchester.’

I think Henry Ford said it best. “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” And, that is exactly what happened this week as our great friends Phil and Julie Taub and their team at Swim With A Mission presented Children of Fallen Patriots with a $25,000 check, that was immediately matched – making it a $50,000 Total Donation!

We can’t thank them enough on behalf of the deserving children and families who will now be able to have the opportunity to enjoy a college education due to their great work and generosity.

As we all are in the mist of holiday shopping, remember it’s about spending time together and the holiday season is about thinking of others.

Over the past week Karen, myself, and our hardworking team have been ‘on the go’ bringing people together, taking part or hosting amazing community-minded events all over New Hampshire and beyond, and being there for others. Because that’s what it’s all about. We’re inspired by it every day and we can’t stop now. We have to keep it going because another great Henry Ford quote is so true. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

As you might have guessed, this week’s Sunshine Report is all about coming together. And on a side note, Karen and I are so thankful for all of you. Week after week people write us, text us, or come up to us at events and thank us for the Sunshine Report and our positive attitude toward life. Your kind words drive us to want to do more as we try to live our belief that ‘positive energy creates positive change.’ While we are closing 2019 in the coming weeks, 2020 will begin and it’s truly going to be full of opportunity, optimism, and yes, a year’s worth of great Sunshine Reports!

Here is to a great week! Enjoy the report.

Newport – Holiday Party Brings Families Together

This past Saturday, families across Newport and beyond came together to celebrate all we have accomplished this year with the Sunshine Initiative and the amazing plans we are about to set in motion for 2020. The Newport Sunshine Initiative Family Christmas Celebration included a “Christmas Surprise” for everyone in attendance and thanks to our friends at the New Hampshire Dance Collaborative, we did not disappoint!

Our dear friend Joan Brodsky started the NH Dance Collaborative in 2016 with the goal of bringing dance and all of its mental, physical and spiritual benefits to small towns across the Granite State. Joan and her business partner, Amy Fortier, created a miniature version of the Nutcracker ballet and brought with them dancers from across the state to perform for our packed room at the Salt Hill Pub in Newport. For many young people there, it was the first time they had watched the Nutcracker and what better way than 10 feet away from the performers! Afterwards, children and adults alike were invited to take photos with the dancers and receive special gifts from the Sunshine Initiative.

Leadership in Working Together – The ‘Roy Malool Award’

As part of working together, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate leadership. With this in mind, we were especially excited this week to announce the “Roy Malool Award in Public Service” which we hope to award every year moving forward to individuals in the Newport community who exemplify selflessness and determination to making the Sunshine Town an even better place to call home. The first honored recipient turned out to be a wonderful surprise as the winner was actually Roy Malool himself. Many of you have heard me speak of Roy before, but for those who haven’t Roy is a dear friend who owns and still operates RoyMal, a coatings manufacturing business in Newport. At the young age of 93, Roy makes it to every Sunshine Initiative meeting and still works tirelessly to make Newport an even better place for all of us to live and enjoy. Roy epitomizes the spirit and compassion of Newport and its residents. Karen and I are honored to call Roy a friend, a mentor, and a true leader of the Sunshine Initiative. You can read more about it here:

Spreading The Word – Helping Veterans

Wow! The team had a busy week with Children of Fallen Patriots. We were really on the move, spreading positivity, building community, and impacting students' lives! Sunday, Karen and I participated in the Toys for Tots drive in Newington. As we approached the trucks, we were greeted by Marines and several volunteers. Toys for Tots is such a special opportunity to make Christmas a little brighter for kids and families in need. I encourage you to watch the video below - who knows, maybe you will find that you want to participate in the program next year!

Toys for Tots

Monday night, Karen and I hosted roughly fifty supporters and activists for Children of Fallen Patriots at our home in Portsmouth for a Christmas party. That was really something. As we all came together that evening in support of a common mission - raising money for students who have lost a parent in military service - we were also able to spread holiday cheer, celebrate community, and make lifelong memories with friends and family.

Then, bright and early on Tuesday morning, I had the fantastic privilege of being able to speak to the Hampton Rotary about the mission of Children of Fallen Patriots and the phenomenal successes that we have had. With a room of nearly 40 Rotarians, only a handful had heard of Fallen Patriots beforehand. Spreading the word and getting everyone involved is how we will bring change and make a positive impact!

Working Together To Protect Our Freedom – Raising The Alarm About China

There is a threat to our freedom that has been gathering momentum in stealth. It now has burst into full view and has the potential to threaten our freedom as well as our American way of life. Of course, I am talking about Communist China. The aggressive totalitarian regime that is bent on world domination.

Karen and I were honored this week to host one of the very first gatherings of a newly forming organization – to be known as: ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China.’ We heard chilling details about the intent, efforts and progress of the communist regime, explained in detail by national security experts Frank Gaffney and Roger Robinson. We will be sharing more on this topic with you in future weeks as well as suggesting ways for you to take positive action so that ‘working together’ we can confront and overcome this threat. I have absolute confidence that we will win – but it will take a determined, persistent – and even enthusiastic and entrepreneurial effort on our part. For more information, please visit our site at:

In the News: Karen and Jay – Talking About Fallen Patriots – WKXL with Chris Ryan

Profile of the Week – Howard Brodsky:

Howard Brodsky truly embodies the ‘can-do’ spirit and is a highly successful entrepreneur. In fact, Howard is perhaps the most creative business person I know. Starting with a single carpet store in Manchester, New Hampshire, Howard founded what is now CCA Global where he is the visionary leader and co-CEO. Over the years, he has built one of the largest and most successful set of businesses in the country, weaving together independent, family owned business into a cooperative structure that has become a juggernaut, accounting for more than $10 Billion of annual sales.

Recently, Howard traveled to Rwanda where he was named a recipient of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)’s 2019 Rochdale Pioneers Award. It is the highest honor the ICA bestows and its purpose is to recognize an individual who has contributed to innovative and financially sustainable cooperative activities that have significantly benefited cooperative members. This award is only given out every two years and is only awared to one person in the world.

In receiving the award, Howard said, “Throughout my career, I have felt that businesses should be more than profit centers. While profit is important, it is equally, if not more important that businesses be a force for good.”

Beyond his business activities, Howard has consistently donated his time and energies to the community and the less fortunate. One of the charities that Howard champions is the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, where his wonderful wife Joan is the Co-Vice President. Howard also leads a mentorship program where employees from CCA Global actively mentor children from the community, giving guidance and advice, all on company time. The children come from a local Manchester school, many of whom do not have regular meals.

Howard is shining role model - a person who has stayed grounded in his roots and gives back to his community. Karen and I are proud to consider Howard and his wife Joan among our dearest of friends.

Quotes of the Week: Working Together

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

“Five guys on the court working together can achieve more than five talented individuals who come and go as individuals.”

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

“Freedom across the world is a result of many individuals working together.”

Dan Gable

“My favorite thought about Abraham Lincoln is he believed in two things: loving one another and working together to make this world better.”

Mario Cuomo

“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.”

Paul Ryan

“As we know, lots of people working together to solve problems doesn't happen often enough, particularly here in Washington.”

Betsy DeVos

© 2022 by Jay S. Lucas. Proudly created by Americans for Americans

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