Transcending the Bitterness – Introducing ‘Positive Politics’
Jay welcomes son, Rep. Gates Lucas, to first edition of ‘Positive Politics.’ Discuss experience running for office and serving in the N.H. Legislature.
Welcome to the first edition of “Positive Politics. This will be an ongoing series which will feature political issues, points of view and candidates running for office in a positive light. As many of you know I have a deep passion for making a positive difference as well as a core belief that we should always try to see the good in everything. Unfortunately, the truth is that ‘positive’ and ‘politics’ rarely seem to go together these days. However, my hope is that this continuing section of the Sunshine Report, in a small way, we will make progress in bridging that gap.
My goal is to put some much-needed SUNSHINE back into politics and allow candidates, elected officials and concerned citizens to highlight the positive. It is time to transcend the bitterness and focus on the amazing future we all create together here in America.
For the first edition, I am delighted to welcome our son, Gates, who is a State Representative here in New Hampshire. Gates and I talk about how he got elected and the many positive things he is doing in the New Hampshire State House. I hope you enjoy!
Fallen Patriots – Sharing the Mission with Our Veterans

Gathering support for Fallen Patriots at Laconia VFW
Last night, I was in Laconia at their local VFW Post, where I had the opportunity to share the wonderful mission of Children of Fallen Patriots. Speaking engagements like this one are so critically important. We build awareness. And, this is especially true when we have the opportunity to speak directly to veterans. I feel that the message hits such a responsive chord.
In a large crowd of highly engaged and extremely interested veterans, discussing Children of Fallen Patriots is an incredible way to move the needle forward. In many cases, both fortunately and unfortunately, these veterans have first-hand knowledge of families tragically impacted by the loss of a fallen hero. In addition, they also have the ability to help us connect with these families – and give us the opportunity to lend a helping hand. Guarantee a free college education and the knowledge that the children of that fallen hero can graduate from school debt-free.
Last night was powerful and emotional. It opened the hearts and eyes of everyone in the room. It hurts to know that there is a need, but I am glad that we can bring the beacon of hope. Injecting positive energy and supporting positive change to the lives of these deserving families.
Embracing Winter in a Small Town - Newport Winter Carnival

‘Newporter’s have fun and keep the tradition alive at 104th Newport Winter Carnival’
This past weekend the residents of the Sunshine Town celebrated the 104th Newport Winter Carnival, the oldest continuous town Winter Carnival in the USA! 104 years of games, parades, pageants, dinners, pancake breakfasts and community spirit. The weather worked in our favor this year dropping to the single digits and allowing the Town Common to be transformed into a beautiful ice rink.
A special thanks to our friends, PJ Lovely, the Chamber of Commerce, and all of the amazing volunteers in town who make this dream a reality year after year. This year the theme was ‘Love is in the Air,’ and boy was it ever! Families and friends gathered on the Common for skating, games, even an Axe Throwing competition. The amazing weekend was topped off with an unbelievable firework display at Parlin Field Airport, donated by Newport’s own “Noise R Us Fireworks”. Does it get any better than this? If you couldn’t make it this year, please be sure to put it on your calendar to attend next year and join in the fun and celebration.
The China Threat – Continuing to Sound the Alarm!

As mentioned in last week’s Sunshine Report we are on a positive mission to sound the alarm on the China threat. Specifically, alerting the people of New Hampshire, as well as Americans across the country, to the dangers posed to our economy, our freedoms, and our security by the regime in Communist China. On Monday, February 3rd, we barnstormed the state – along with Frank Gaffney and members of the ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China.’ We shared little known information about the severity of the threat – powerfully delivered by former Defense Department officials, as well as a member of our group who was an actual survivor of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Due to the immensely positive response, we are pleased to announce that the group will be returning to the state in an effort to continue spreading the word. A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Kurt Strandson of Manchester. He has generously offered to host an event on March 12th at the Derryfield Restaurant for people to listen, learn, get involved and help us defend our freedoms. The briefing will feature nationally recognized experts from the Center for Security Policy, as well as the Committee on the Present Danger: China. This great event starts at 5:30pm and is open to the public. Importantly, we will be announcing additional briefings and meetings during the day on Thursday, March 12th. Please be on the lookout for more details to come.
Positive Profile of the Week: Elliot Perry

I’m delighted to be sharing a very special profile this week of a young boy who has achieved remarkable success – and has overcome incredible odds to do so. As background, when we decided to dedicate a portion of the Sunshine Report each week to profile the positive impact of an individual or a group, our intent was that people should come away from the profile feeling inspired. To get the sense, that yes, indeed – there are so very many positive contributions, amazing stories and outright remarkable individuals who are making an impact every single day. From veterans to politicians, to entrepreneurs, and everyday people, hometown values and inspirational feats are on display all around us each day.
This is the story of a young boy and the impact he is making to support the place that saved his life and the initiative he has founded to help other children who find themselves inflicted with illness and hardship. So, I am thrilled to introduce you to Elliot Perry, the son of my dear friends, BJ and Carrie of Bedford, New Hampshire. I’ve known BJ since 1998 when he helped on my campaign at a young age, his parents being close friends of mine. You see, Elliot was born early - 3 months early to be exact and was given only an 18 percent chance of survival. After 121 days at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD) in Lebanon, New Hampshire and countless surgeries and procedures, Elliot came home. Today, he still battles a few things, but this young man is changing the world. He and his family have raised over $100,000 for CHaD. He’s helped champion legislation in Congress to help kiddos like him, and he even threw out the first Pitch at the Boston Red Sox game to advocate for local children’s hospitals. Some people don’t do this in a lifetime and he’s only 8. He has his whole world in front of him and look what he has accomplished. But listen to this, it’s the next thing that excites me even more.
Elliot’s parents were told it would highly unlikely that he would be able walk without assistance, climb a rope, or even scale the monkey bars. But being the miracle that he is, he’s doing these great things and wants to make sure other kids have the chance to do so as well. With this in mind, last week Elliot founded the ‘121 Club’ where he will be leading the efforts of friends and the community, towards the goal of raising $121,000 in 121 days to build not just one, but two, playgrounds that will be ADA compliant, sensory neutral, and will give kids in both Manchester and Lebanon the opportunity enjoy a playground during their CHaD patient experience. What an undertaking and I invite you all to watch the video clip about his campaign here.
Karen and I have watched Elliot grow up. We are so proud of what he is doing and love sharing his story with our friends. We enjoy spending time with him time and time again. Go get’em Elliot, you ROCK!
Quotes of the Week: Positive Politics

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”
John Quincy Adams
“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”
Abraham Lincoln
“Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.”
Winston Churchill
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
Ronald Reagan
“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.”
Milton Friedman