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Time For Spring Cleaning!

Writer: Jay LucasJay Lucas

There’s More to Spring Cleaning Than You Think...

'Karen and Jay celebrate the arrival of spring and share thoughts on the opportunity for spring cleaning'

Spring is a time of renewal. And, the change of seasons presents us with a great opportunity. We can reset our goals and aspirations, and as we do so, we can also shed the unwanted baggage that clutters our lives and blurs our focus. Spring is that wonderful moment to begin life anew.

This past week, on my morning runs, I’ve come across the incredible sound of birds chirping, the smell of freshly cut grass, and seen the first buds on freshly blooming trees. Spring has truly begun to show itself here in New England. And if you’re like most people, with spring comes an opportunity to do some much needed cleaning. Getting the rakes, leaf blowers, hedge clippers, and lawn mowers out to do some yard work. Or perhaps going through your home and clearing things out that have accumulated over the winter you know longer want or need. It’s an opportune time to freshen things up, remove any clutter and organize ourselves for the warm months to come. When it comes to spring cleaning, why does it have to stop with getting rid of physical clutter in our lives? Perhaps we can think of spring cleaning in broader terms, a practice that means with each spring, we take on the task of clearing out the physical, mental, and spiritual clutter we carry with us on a daily basis as a means of improving our outlook and enhancing our own happiness.

Studies by Princeton, UCLA, and the University of Minnesota have all found evidence that physical clutter in our environment can interfere with our brain’s ability to focus and process information. While it’s no secret that de-cluttering our physical space can help improve our mental health, think about what applying this principle to other parts of our lives could mean. Spring cleaning in this broader sense can be an avenue for cleaning out some of the less tangible, yet equally as important parts of our lives.

Life can distract us from the things we truly care about with its ‘busyness’, sometimes to the extent that we feel like we can never catch up or get back to what we wanted to do. Like everything though, reclaiming our physical and mental space is all part of a process we can control, by focusing on one single task at a time, until before you know it, you’re where you want to be. What’s key though is being practical and honest with yourself, respecting your limits. Perhaps make a list of all the things you want to accomplish with your spring cleaning, starting with your physical spaces, like cleaning the yard or decluttering your closet. Once you’ve finished, and with your physical space being less of a distraction, make a list of some of the things you want to clean up, tackle, or even discover. These can be things like exploring new music genres, a new hobby, tackling your finances, eating better or exercising more. The list is endless, and the great thing is, you control what’s on it. Though it may be a bit more difficult to define, we gain an important sense of satisfaction, gratification, and happiness, much like cleaning the yard or the closet, which can only grow the more we make these things a priority. Spring is in the air. It’s time to seize the moment!

Time for Fun - Boating in the Granite State!

This past week, ice-out was declared on Lake Winnipesaukee. This 135-year-old tradition is declared when the MS Mount Washington can safely navigate to all ports on her sailing route across the lake. This means in the coming weeks boaters will begin dropping their watercraft into the nearly 1,000 ponds and lakes across the Granite State while using our over 400 public water access points.

Boating, like so many other great things New Hampshire has to offer, is an incredible summer pa-time. Across New Hampshire, watercraft enthusiasts have the chance to go fishing, water skiing, take leisurely walks, and check out some of the amazing natural wonders unique to the state. Some boating enthusiasts, like Cynthia Makris, owner of The Naswa Resort located on Lake Winnipesaukee, have even taken their passion for boating and used it to make a positive impact in our communities, something I always like to highlight. Cynthia has partnered with local businesses and boaters in the area to organize an annual poker run to benefit Easterseals, such a wonderful organization dedicated to supporting those living with disabilities. The poker run is traditionally done when people visit land ports of call. But this unique poker run invites boaters to check in at several locations across Lake Winnipesaukee, gather their best hand, and then head to The Naswa to turn in their chips. Year after year, the poker run raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Easterseals, all due to the generosity of so many boating enthusiasts.

So, this year, if the opportunity arises, I encourage you to get on a lake or just take in the outdoors and enjoy the splendors of spring and the summer ahead!

North Conway – Terrific Town, Great Things To Do!

North Conway is perhaps New Hampshire’s most famous small town. It is a tourist mega spot featuring draw dropping views of the White Mountains and a vibrant downtown filled with many small shops and tons of other attractions. It seems that it is almost never ‘not busy’ in North Conway as there are things to do year-round, from camping in spring and summer, to leaf peeping in the fall, and of course wonderful skiing in the winter. The Saco river runs right through the town creating superb opportunities for families to create long lasting memories like floating, swinging, and fishing.

New Hampshire’s iconic Kancamagus Highway begins (or ends depending on how you look at it) in Conway drawing even more people who want to see New Hampshire’s natural beauty from the comfort of their car, motorcycle, or bus. If the outdoor life is not for you, then you can stroll downtown to the unforgettable Zebs General Store which has been in business for over 30 years offering over 500 different items to remember the trip to Conway. Conway also offers many excellent restaurants, coffee shops, and high-end outlets that of course all benefit from New Hampshire’s ‘no sales tax’ status.

North Conway is truly a New Hampshire treasure. As we begin to move out of the pandemic, I highly recommend heading up to this gem with your friends and family and enjoy one of the best experiences that New Hampshire has to offer.

Positive Profile of the Week: Chuck Morse

This week it is a true pleasure to highlight a wonderful friend and outstanding public servant, Senator Chuck Morse. There is no one who works harder and is more dedicated to our state and our community than Chuck. Up before dawn most days, working at his business and taking care of the affairs of our state, Chuck Morse is a true leader.

It’s crunch time in New Hampshire politics right now. Bills are being worked on, budgets are being negotiated, and in fact this week there was a marathon session in New Hampshire Legislature. It’s at this time of year when legislation is in full swing that Chuck’s dedication is so much to be admired. Not only are there demands on his time in Concord, but his business, Freshwater Farms and Gardens is also in full swing with the advent of spring. So, an especially heartfelt appreciation for Chuck’s dedication and hard work at this time of year.

As a Salem business owner Chuck is known for looking at the bottom line, finding ways to be more efficient, prudent, and fiscally responsible. It’s no wonder why he has served as Senate Finance Chairman and his peers have now elected him to serve as Senate President twice.

Not only is Chuck an outstanding and dedicated public servant, he never shies away from supporting those in need. Chuck, along with his fellow members of the Salem community continually rally together to make the Salem Boys and Girls club the incredible place it is today.

Chuck is someone who makes things happen and has earned what he has today through hard work and dedication to his craft. He and his wife Susan have worked hard in establishing one of the most successful nursery and landscaping supply companies in southern New Hampshire. I encourage you all to swing by Freshwater Farms in Atkinson and grab some fresh flowers to spruce up your home the spring and summer.

I’ve known Chuck for many years, and like so many others, his efforts to preserve the New Hampshire Advantage have kept it alive and well. We are so very fortunate to have Chuck’s selfless dedication to the future of our state. Thank you, Senator Chuck Morse!

Positive Quotes of the Week: Spring Cleaning

"It is spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want–oh, you don't know quite what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"

― Mark Twain

“It’s time for a spring cleaning of your thoughts, it’s time to stop to just existing it’s time to start living.”

― Steve Maraboli

“What I know for sure is that when you declutter – whether it’s on your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”

― Peter Walsh

“Forgive and set yourself free. When we forgive, we heal our own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It's like spring cleaning for our heart.”

― Angie Karan

“I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.”

― Joan Rivers


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