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Stories of Americans Coming Together - Rising To The Occasion!

Writer: Jay LucasJay Lucas

Finding Sunshine – Amidst the Crisis

There is no doubt that the pandemic is upon us and that life is changing all across our country and around the world. No doubt there is also uncertainty – which understandably triggers some degree of anxiety and even fear.

Yet, in the midst of this crisis, Americans are standing strong. We are acting with calm – and a sense of resolve – both nationally and at the state and local level. And of course, this is what Americans do. We have faced crises in the past – and we have consistently risen to the occasion.

We faced down our enemies in World War II and preserved the cause of freedom. We met the challenge of the Cold War and liberated Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. We rallied from the attack of 9-11 – with a sense of unity and resolve. And, we have emerged from the Great Recession with a roaring economy.

So, as we each rally to do what we can to defeat this dangerous virus, we do so knowing that we are carrying on a long and rich tradition of Americans – standing strong, standing united and with steadfast faith that we will prevail. As such, I am proud to be an American – and to be joined with each of you in this important fight.

I believe in the positive spirit, the ‘can do’ attitude and the generosity of the American people. And, it is heartwarming to see how the coronavirus is bringing out the very best in each of us across our great nation. Stand strong America!

Small Towns Show Grit and Creativity as Learning Continues!

Just when you think the chips are down, small town America shows ingenuity, creativity and a will to win. To carry on and move forward. And, there is no better example than the wonderful town of Newport, NH.

Rather than huddle in fear or become immobilized, the citizens of Newport are moving forward. When the decision was taken that schools would need to be closed – teachers and administrators sprang into action. There was a spark of creativity. The schools might be closing – but there was a commitment to carry on – teaching and learning must march forward.

And, so within a week, a plan has been crafted for at-home education - with each of the 900+ students in the district supplied with devices to connect online and with teachers crafting lesson plans designed for the new reality. As a result, I am proud to say – as of this coming Monday – the Newport School System will be back in business. Congratulations to Superintendent Dr. Brendan Minnihan and the incredible team of dedicated educators, administrators and support staff in Newport. A shining example of American ‘can do,’ positive spirit and ingenuity. In one small town – and I am sure being replicated across our great country.

In Crisis – Feeding Kids Across America – Creatively Solving a Problem

During ‘normal times,’ we do all we can to take care of the less advantaged. For many kids in our school systems, getting enough to eat, getting good nutrition – is a real challenge. Food at home may be scarce, especially in homes where parental care is lacking or economic circumstances are extremely difficult. As a result, the meals provided by our schools play a vital part in the well-being of these children. So, what happens when all of a sudden, a pandemic forces our schools to close down?

The answer in one small town is heartwarming and very reassuring. In Newport, NH, without ‘missing a beat,’ meals are being delivered. To homes! Breakfasts and lunches – in the hundreds. Creativity in action. A program of meal delivery that did not exist one week ago – is now fully in place. Bringing nutrition and health to deserving children and families. Yet, one more example of how small town ‘can do’ spirit – is alive and well – in the midst of crisis.

And in another district, in Michigan, a statement was posted:

“Families are able to pick up meals at all sites for as many children who need them during these days/hours. Children are not required to be present for meals to be distributed.

No identification is necessary. Families who intend on accessing meal services are asked to complete a short survey so school officials can better estimate meal totals for the various locations.”

American generosity and positive spirit in action.

Positive Profile of the Week: The Generosity of the American People

The spirit of giving is alive and well throughout New Hampshire and across the country. Our Profile this week highlights the generosity and positive spirit of the American people – on display in countless individual examples throughout our great country.

For instance, Katz’s Deli and Market in Dover is feeding children in need – ‘free of charge’ – in response to the crisis. No questions asked.

And, Tim Baines of Manchester, who owns the Mint Bistro on Elm Street, is also taking action. The virus has forced the closure of his restaurant during the crisis and rather than complain – he is taking positive action. Tim is ensuring that his food doesn’t go to waste – donating to those in need and generously helping the local community.

And, Hilary Seeger, in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, another great American example. She is hiring local people recently displaced due the bars and restaurants closing. She’s paying them to help her move and is encouraging others to follow suit.

And, Dick Anagnost of Manchester, NH. He owns a company that makes shampoo. His company changed the formula and created hand sanitizer and donated 150 gallons to first responders.

Bubbling up from solid American citizens in every community. The spirit of giving. The dedication to making lives better for all those around us. Lifting us up – each one of us, doing what we can to work our way thru the current crisis – and to emerge – stronger, better and more united as a nation – once we pass beyond and move on to a victorious outcome.

Quotes of the Week: Americans Coming Together

“This life, this purpose, this American spirit that we hold dear - we are not alone. We do it together. – Dan Crenshaw

“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” ―Ben Carson

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” —Booker T. Washington

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ―Anne Frank

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” ―Eleanor Roosevelt

© 2022 by Jay S. Lucas. Proudly created by Americans for Americans

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