New Hampshire Primary – Celebrating Grassroots Tradition

We did it! Huge positive energy. Incredible voter turnout. And, such a well-orchestrated and managed election process. Congrats to New Hampshire!
Throughout small towns, villages and city wards, this past Tuesday, New Hampshire celebrated the 100th anniversary of our First in the Nation Primary. Not surprisingly, the Granite State did it in style. Making us all proud, maintaining our tradition and taking our responsibility seriously.
First, I want to say congratulations to all the volunteers, staff, and candidates from both sides for a well fought campaign. Those efforts are tiring both physically and emotionally, and there is still so much more road to run for these brave souls – all the way to November.
Both sides broke participation records with nearly fifty percent of all registered voters showing up to cast ballots. While my friends on the Democratic side received most of the attention, something that also caught my eye was the surprisingly large turnout on the Republican side in which President Donald Trump broke the record for most votes received by an incumbent President. And, he did it by nearly double!
Clearly, there is a lot of energy going into the fall elections, and I suspect that these higher participation rates will continue. An engaged citizenry is a truly the cornerstone of our democracy, so these turnout numbers are such a positive thing to see. We suspect there will be challenges to our First in the Nation status, but I know that we will stand ready and united once again to ward off efforts to undermine our critical role in the presidential nominating process.
Fallen Patriots – Spreading the Word on College Campuses and throughout Communities

Children of Fallen Patriots is on the move again this year – and taking our efforts to an even higher level! We have a number of great events scheduled - even including several in the coming week. Tuesday, the 18th, we kick off our efforts to get the word out about this terrific organization by speaking at Saint Anselm College with some of the most involved students on campus. I’m really excited about this opportunity to engage with these highly motivated students and share the essence of our mission. Then, on Thursday, the 20th, I will be speaking at the Laconia VFW Post.
These engagements are so very important in our efforts to build awareness and support for Children of Fallen Patriots in the Granite State. We rely almost entirely on word of mouth - concerned people helping us connect with deserving families who can benefit from our help. Due to military privacy laws, there is no systematic way for us to easily access the names of those in need, so if you know of anyone who has lost a loved one in military service, please reach out and let us know! To find out more about this incredible organization, please visit: www.fallenpatriots.org
Taking Positive Action – Alerting New Hampshire to the Threat from Communist China

Last week as candidates were packing up their campaigns in Iowa and heading to New Hampshire, on Monday, I had the opportunity to begin the process of taking a critically important and positive step – leading an effort to alert our fellow Granite Stater’s to the threat posed from Communist China – joining with several true experts – hosting Frank Gaffney, Sean Lin, and Joseph Bosco from the Center for Security Policy based in Washington, D.C. All three are super stars. Frank is the founder of the Center (profiled below). Sean is a survivor of the Tiananmen Square Massacre - later emigrating to the United States and serving in the U.S. Army. And, Joe headed up the China desk at the Defense Department during the George W. Bush administration.
In true New Hampshire fashion, we barnstormed the state with a jammed pack day allowing for these three amazing individuals to share their stories, their knowledge, and brief us on the serious threat we face from China on multiple dimensions. Our national security, our economy, rampant espionage, stealing our intellectual property and more – in addition to the egregious human rights abuses that are routinely carried out throughout their country.
Our day long trip started with a visit to Jack Heath at WGIR, on ‘New Hampshire Today’ – to share our message with interested listeners throughout the state. Then, two more radio shows back-to-back. Followed by a briefing for the Governor’s staff at the State House and a lunch discussion with legislative leaders. Holding intermittent meetings with business owners, policy makers, and more state leaders throughout the day - briefing them on positive actions we as citizens need to take to protect our freedoms. The day concluded with a packed room of Granite Stater’s convening in Manchester to learn more. This town hall style event, similar to a presidential stop, allowed our fellow citizens to learn first-hand from true experts about this critical topic, ask the questions, and sign up to help make this issue a hot button topic on the national stage.
Things start in New Hampshire! The process starts here in alerting the country to the very serious threats the Chinese regime poses to our national security and ultimately to our freedom. Learn more today by visiting: www.presentdangerchina.org and https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org
Profile of the Week: Frank Gaffney

This week I’m pleased to profile a dear friend who is also a true patriot for national security, Mr. Frank Gaffney.
Frank and his organization have done such an outstanding job – giving Karen and myself the opportunity to understand first-hand the clear and present danger posed by China as well as the other serious threats to our national security. Importantly, Frank has a remarkably extensive background in policy and national defense, making him a ‘go to’ source of knowledge for our national security community.
Frank Gaffney’s distinguished career dates back to the 1970’s where he served as a congressional aide in the United States Senate as a staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee. Thereafter, the Reagan administration tapped him to be Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces Arms Control Policy and in 1987, he was nominated by the President for the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.
Upon leaving the Reagan Administration, Frank founded the Center for Security Policy. There, leveraging his extensive background and knowledge, he has built one of the preeminent organizations in our nation’s capital focusing on this important topic. Numerous Senators, administration officials and others have routinely called upon Frank and his team to help craft policy language and have been enthusiastic allies in helping Frank and the Center spread the word, disseminating important insights and information.
Frank is contributor to Newsmax and is the host of a weekly radio program and podcast – ‘Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney’- that is dedicated to the survival of American democracy in an increasingly dangerous world and is promoted across the country.
Now, most recently, Frank has helped found and lead the effort to help alert our nation to the threat from Communist China – and take positive action to protect our freedom. The ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China.’ www.presentdangerchina.org
Thank you, Frank, for all that you do. Karen and I are looking forward to doing our part in working closely with you to secure freedom, protect liberty, and create a stronger and safer America.
Quotes of the Week: Voting!

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”
John Quincy Adams
“I just received the following wire from my generous Daddy; Dear Jack, Don't buy a single vote more than is necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.”
John F. Kennedy
“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
“You've got to vote, vote, vote, vote. That's it; that's the way we move forward. That's how we make progress for ourselves and for our country.”
Michelle Obama
“Whenever a fellow tells me he's bipartisan, I know he's going to vote against me.”
Harry S. Truman