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Miracle At The Mill

Writer: Jay LucasJay Lucas

Sunshine At The Old Ruger Mill

What an amazing meeting at the Ruger Mill Building last Thursday! Thanks to all the Newport residents and friends from across the state who gathered together to share their thoughts, ideas, and interest in Newport and small towns across the Granite State. We were joined by representatives from Littleton and Dover who shared their stories of downtown revitalization, the do’s, the don’t’s, and how to create positivity and ‘can do’ spirit in a small community. From pianos to mill buildings, residents of New England’s small towns are truly making great strides in saving our Main Streets and bringing opportunity back to our forgotten towns.

Former Supreme Court Chief Justice John Broderick joined us with an inspirational story and message on Mental Health in our communities. You could have heard a pin drop in the Ruger Mill during his presentation. So many of us are affected by mental health issues yet don’t know how to help. Or even talk about it. Justice Broderick has set out to end the stigma, to engage the conversation, and bring relief to so many American’s struck by mental illness. If you haven’t heard about Justice Broderick’s mission, please make sure to visit the following link: Meanwhile, based on the overwhelmingly positive response to his message, I know the people of Newport are eager to bring his insights and his mission into our community.

Pianos Line The Main Street

This past week, we were lucky enough to be joined by David Ernsberger, the creator of the Littleton Piano Project. David was a featured speaker at our monthly Newport Sunshine Initiative Meeting. A Texas native, David spent his career with IBM and eventually chose to retire in the beautiful NH town of Littleton. David and his wife quickly fell in love with all that was the Granite State, the spirit, the character, and the beauty of a small New England town. Adopting it as his own, David became very involved with Littleton’s downtown revitalization efforts and eventually brought the idea of Piano’s to Main St. After experiencing outdoor pianos in his native, Austin TX, David was determined to bring something similar to Littleton.

As he puts it, you must dress your downtown for success. What are our assets? What will bring people in and keep people coming back? The Littleton Piano Project has done just that. Sprinkling Main St with beautiful works of art, each piano is hand painted by artists from the region. Residents and tourists alike are invited to play the pianos and join in on the fun. On a typical Saturday, the street is filled with amazing musicians sharing their talents and groups of people huddling around each piano. David shared with the Sunshine Initiative group that for the past 9 years, the Littleton Piano Project has helped to bring new energy and positive vibes to Littleton. They are regularly featured in travel magazines and blogs and are a must see for anyone visiting the North Country. David’s inspiring story has created a spark of imagination in Newport. We will be brainstorming on how best to leverage and apply this wonderful idea in Newport – The Sunshine Town. We would welcome your ideas. Please email to:

Pennies For Patriots – Thank You, NH Higher Education Network!

Last Friday, we were blessed to be invited to share the mission of Children of Fallen Patriots at the NH Higher Education Assistance Foundation’s annual picnic, as they presented us with an incredibly generous donation! Their entire staff participated in a ‘Penny War’ over the last few weeks and ultimately garnered ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PENNIES! Just incredible. Please take a moment to watch the video above where my wife, Karen, and I talk about this awesome experience.

‘Boots and Buckles’ To Support Veterans

For the last seven years, Easter Seals has hosted the awesome Seacoast Gala in conjunction with Veterans Count NH. A great event, this year’s “Boots and Buckles Bash” reception that supports our military servicemen and women and their families. Last year and again this year, the reception has been held at the Historic Runnymede Farm in North Hampton and the venue is truly spectacular. Hundreds gathered on Saturday evening at the Farm in their best country cowboy attire to join in support of our veterans and donate to an incredible cause. The evening was filled with terrific music, dancing, singing, fellowship, and even a hearty BBQ dinner! The event is always a night to remember – if you have never participated, you really should go next year, join in on the fun and support a wonderful cause.

Check This Out – Volunteer A Little Time For A Big Cause?

With the summer and beautiful weather upon us, our local communities will begin hosting and engaging in hundreds of events throughout the state. People love the opportunity to get outside and spend time with friends of old and new! This year, Children of Fallen Patriots will be participating in many of these local events and continuing to work to make a difference for our military families. We would love to have you join us and volunteer your time with us! Truly, any time that you are able to provide certainly means the world to us. Even if you are unsure of how much you can commit, we ask that you at least look through our list of events coming up and see if there is anything you can spare! We would love to have you! Check out our list and sign up here:

We were deeply saddened to hear the tragic news last week as we learned of the horrific truck and motorcycle accident that occurred in northern New Hampshire. In Randolph, NH, seven members of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club, an organization that includes Marines and their spouses, were struck and killed. in an accident. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. This week, Karen and I will be making a contribution to the JarHeads MC to honor the victims, raise funds and honor those who have served. Karen and I encourage you join us in supporting this honorable cause. Please click on the following link. jarheads-mc-victims-and-families-support

Profile Of The Week – Christiana Thornton

This week we are profiling an amazing women, highly accomplished and admired.

NH Higher Education Assistance Foundation President and CEO Christiana Thornton. A Merrimack county resident, wife an mother, Christiana is truly a ‘she is a ‘mover and shaker.’

Christiana worked in both the Washington DC and New Hampshire offices for U.S. Senator John E. Sununu. Developing an expansive knowledge in financial legislation and educational issues, she then set out on a path of leadership in the Granite State.

In 2011, she became the President of the New Hampshire Bankers Association. During her tenure, Christiana and her dedicated team made great strides in helping to move the organization forward, both in Concord and throughout the state - thru a positive spirit, action, passion, and a commitment.

Then, almost a year ago, Christiana became the President and CEO of the NHHEAF where she oversees an organization of hundreds of hardworking individuals committed to helping aspiring college applicants and students attain their college dreams with financial assistance, advice, and mentoring. Kudos to Christiana. She is truly making a positive difference in the lives of families throughout our wonderful state.

Quotes Of The Week: Miracles

Patricia Neal

“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” Patricia Neal

“Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.” Wayne Dyer

“Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: it comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur.” Henry Miller

“But I think my mistakes became the chemistry for my miracles. I think that my tests became my testimonies.” T. D. Jakes

“Miracles, in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain, surround us on every hand: life itself is the miracle of miracles.” George Bernard Shaw


© 2022 by Jay S. Lucas. Proudly created by Americans for Americans

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