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How Best To Use - What We Didn't Choose

Writer: Jay LucasJay Lucas

As the Crisis Drags On - Opportunity and Where to Find It

Every day we wake up, we’re given a blessing. The blessing of starting a new day with air in our lungs, and the opportunity, if we so choose – to smile, to hope and chart a positive way forward. However, sometimes, it’s hard to see our way through the fog or even some darkness. The adversity that we face in our lives whether it be an illness, a lost job, the loss of a loved one, even our own expectations of ourselves, basically all those disappointments and reversals may at times seem insurmountable. We believe the events of the past define the prospects of our future, instead of being guided by the present and what it’s offering us: an opportunity to choose how we move forward and overcome the obstacles we face. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “The things which hurt, instruct.”

While we’ve been asked to continue our social distancing, this moment of adversity presents us with a choice to see it either as an obstacle or as an opportunity. The pace of modern life before COVID-19 seemed to move so quickly that more often than not, it was hard to find the time to slow down and even recognize what the present moment affords us. And as a result, we've probably put off some of the things that we may have always wanted to do for ourselves or our loved ones that can improve our own prospects, our health, or just the general well-being of those around us. That we’ve been obligated to slow down, and in some cases look inward, no longer distracted by what we consider normal is the opportunity of a lifetime to take up the things your future self will likely thank you for.

We cannot control the outcome of this pandemic individually, but as individuals we can choose how we use this time. So perhaps there’s a book you’ve been wanting to write, a relationship with a family member you’ve wanted to improve, or maybe you've wanted to start your day with some physical activity, the possibilities are infinite. And though nothing worthwhile in life happens overnight, it’s an opportunity to begin the process and there is no better moment than the present.

Newport Embraces 'Sunshine Victory Gardens!'

In World Wars I and II, Americans rallied to support the war efforts by planting ‘Victory Gardens’ in windowsills, backyards and plots of land throughout the country. Bolstering the country’s food supply and also serving as a tangible way each and every American could make a contribution to the cause of freedom.

Now, the spirit has been reborn as we fight yet another war – the ‘War Against the Coronavirus.’ Thanks to the inspiration of Deb Stevens, who heads the horticultural program at Newport High School, ‘Victory Gardens’ are being planted throughout the Sunshine Town. Kits are being distributed and packets of seeds, with instructions are being made available to students and families throughout Newport.

Even more, Deb is using this as an educational opportunity as well. Despite our schools being closed, she is creatively using technology to help in the effort. She will be doing a Beginners Gardening Segment on NCTV, our community television network – offering ‘tips and tricks’ for successful gardening. Another ‘positive’ outcome emerging from the crisis – a new generation of gardeners, all in support of a stronger community, a stronger America.

Community Spirit – Big Stars – Big Dollars – Providing Help in Crisis

Coming together in times of need. Help thy neighbor. These are the hallmarks of a strong community and so very much on display in the Town of Newport and throughout the State of New Hampshire. Last Friday evening WMUR TV and iHeartRadio New Hampshire partnered together and hosted an hour-long program to benefit the New Hampshire food bank. This event was a first of its kind in the Granite State – working around the constraints of COVID-19. The event was organized to replace all of those events that typically occur at this time of year – and provide a source of support for those in need. And what a success it was! The event featured celebrities who grew up in New Hampshire. From Adam Sandler to Seth Meyers, words of inspiration were shared and it truly made for a great night. No one knew what the outcome would be from an event like this but in the end, the event raised nearly one million dollars via online donations. The power of the human spirit shined bright last Friday evening. The need was met and in a time of crisis, people came together in generosity and community spirit. Proud of WMUR, proud of the my friends at iHeart, and proud to be a Granite Stater!

Positive Profile of the Week: Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen is a true New Hampshire treasure. Internationally known, Dean is highly accomplished as an inventor and entrepreneur as well as a leader in the fields of science and technology. His achievements are wide and varied. The AutoSyringe, a portable syringe pump; advances in Home Dialysis; the Segway; Prosthetics; the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, ‘ARMI,’ working on large scale biofabrication to grow human tissue; and FIRST, an organization dedicated to help the next generation understand, use and enjoy science and technology, now having served over one million of our youth. And, all based in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Beyond all these and many more achievements, Dean is also a leader who cares about his community. When COVID-19 hit New Hampshire, Dean answered the call. Working with Governor Chris Sununu, Dean helped secure millions of dollars’ worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our front-line medical workers. Dean used his network, his personal resources and ‘can-do’ spirit to provide our small state with big relief. Dean is certainly a New Hampshire icon who continues to give back time and time again. We thank and salute Dean Kamen!

Positive Quotes of the Week – Overcoming Adversity

Walt Disney

“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” Walt Disney “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Napoleon Hill “One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.” Albert Schweitzer “The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!” Joyce Meyer “He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity.” Cesare Pavese


© 2022 by Jay S. Lucas. Proudly created by Americans for Americans

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